If you are interested in serving as a volunteer leader with Patrol Base Abbate, please submit the information below, and you will be contacted by our staff to determine the most appropriate project or role to match your generous offering of time and talent.
Patrol Base Abbate serves to honor the legacy of Sergeant Matthew Abbate by providing warriors space to recalibrate inside the wire and community to thrive outside the wire. This mission is carried by a 99% volunteer work force dedicated to providing barrier-free access to all of the country's veterans and service members. As the corporation and membership expand, we will have an ever-increasing need for people to walk point and fill sandbags in the community.
Corporate Staff Volunteer: Join our corporate leadership of remote-work volunteers to manage and steward the business development of Patrol Base Abbate. Professional experience and project management skills preferred in: Operations, Finance, Development, Marketing, IT Systems, or Legal.
Local Chapter Volunteer: Join the leadership team of your currently existing local chapter, or start a new chapter near you. PBA local chapters are resourced and empowered to create barrier-free networks in their local community. Many chapters meet monthly to provide an inside the wire opportunity, and stay engaged consistently with members throughout the year.
Interest-Based Club Volunteer: Join the leadership team of one of PBA's existing Interest-Based Clubs, or start your own! Interest-Based clubs bring members together over shared activities, and are not geographically constrained. They use a myriad of technologies and systems to stay engaged throughout the year, and participate in the Return To Base program.